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We support the Shire Horse Society's adoption of the SPARKS to tackle inbreeding in the Shire horse population.
This is needed because inbreeding leads to loss of genetic diversity in the population. In turn, this threatens the health of individual horses and the health and sustainability of the Shire breed as a whole, because it has the following consequences:
- increased infertility
- increased foal mortality (deaths)
- increased likelihood of harmful genes accumulating in the breed
- increases risk of inherited diseases and deformities
- reduced overall fitness of the breed and resistance to diseases
A powerful way of tackling inbreeding is by managing ‘Mean Kinship’ through selection of mare/stallion pairings.
You can find out more about the SPARKS scheme by visiting the Shire Horse Society's website.
Choose your Shire Stallion here
Choose your Miniature Donkey Stallion here